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Don’t settle for generic SAP when you can have Deacom ERP that was designed for process manufacturers!

Industry-Specific Solutions, Not Workarounds: Choose Deacom ERP Over SAP

Leave the limitations of generic ERP behind. Go with Deacom, the industry-specific solution designed for process manufacturing success.

See Deacom in Action

Know what users are saying about SAP. Here are just some of the frustrations:

“What I liked the least about this software is that it does not have the necessary support by the company that implements the system, they do not have timely answers to some questions which makes it difficult to work, on the other hand when creating seats.”

Software Advice review - Anonymous

“We were restricted by a small number of user licenses and made an effort to expand the system's functionality through the development of add-ons, but these required a long time to plan and even longer to implement across the business.”

Software Advice review – Information Technology Services user

“Can be expensive to do simple things, and additional licensing can ad up. Partner model can let it down. Partners need to be well vetted as bad projects and consultants can hold you back.”

GetApp review – Food & Beverage user

“Missing strong warehouse management capabilities.”

TrustRadius review – Director Information Technology

Now learn what users say about Deacom. Here are just some of the reviews:

“I've hired people coming from using Oracle or SAP and they love Deacom right off the bat. I've been through upgrades, general customer support, training conferences, emergency customer support (when an issue arises on our end) for over a decade now and I am happy with the product and don't envisage ever making a change.”

Capterra review - Controller

“Having used multiple ERP systems, I am so pleased with my experience with DEACOM. Their "no bolt-on" approach allows the user to find all resources needed within the software without customization.”

Capterra review – Systems Data Analyst

"Users praise Deacom ERP for its robust functionality, particularly its 'tight process control.' This allows businesses to establish repeatable and scalable practices, leading to greater efficiency and consistency."

SelectHub review

“The system is fully integrated, and data stored in one area can be accessed in a different area as required by the business need. I appreciate being able to find accurate information and produce reports that make a difference to management. This ability has been used to identify specific ways to increase productivity, improve efficiencies and greater capacity.”

GetApp review – Food Production user

Deacom ERP Software for Batch and Process Manufacturers

Scale your business with an industry-specific Enterprise Resource Planning solution.

Why Deacom ERP Trumps SAP for Process Manufacturing: Industry-Specific Functionality

While SAP offers a robust ERP solution, it often requires extensive customization to meet the specific needs of process manufacturers. Deacom, on the other hand, is purpose-built for your industry, providing a deep understanding of your unique challenges and workflows.

Here's how Deacom's industry-specific functionality empowers you:

Out-of-the-Box Features

Deacom eliminates the need for bolt-on applications or complex integrations. Features like formulation management, quality control, and lot traceability are embedded within the core system, streamlining operations and reducing implementation costs.

Compliance Ready

Deacom caters to the stringent regulations of process manufacturing industries like food & beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical production. Built-in compliance features minimize errors and simplify adherence to industry standards, giving you peace of mind.

Reduced Customization Needs

Extensive customizations with generic ERP systems can be costly and time-consuming. Deacom's pre-built functionalities for process manufacturing significantly reduce this need, allowing you to leverage a system tailored to your industry from day one.

By choosing Deacom, you gain a solution that understands the complexities of process manufacturing, minimizes customization burdens, and ensures regulatory compliance out-of-the-box. This translates to:

Faster Implementation and ROI

Get up and running quickly with a system designed for your industry, maximizing your return on investment sooner.

Reduced Costs

Avoid the high costs associated with extensive customizations and integrations required by generic ERP systems.

Improved Efficiency

Streamline operations with purpose-built features that seamlessly integrate with your existing processes.

Unlock Efficiency Gains: Why Deacom Traceability Beats Standalone SAP Solutions

In today's process manufacturing landscape, ensuring complete product traceability is paramount. Consumers demand transparency, and regulatory bodies enforce strict quality control measures. Deacom outshines SAP in this crucial area by offering comprehensive end-to-end traceability.

Raw ingredients requiring traceability

Unparalleled Visibility: Deacom tracks everything from raw materials to finished goods, providing a complete picture of your production process. You can easily:

Monitor Ingredient Usage

Track the exact quantities and specific lots of raw materials used in each production run.

Trace Every Step

Gain visibility into every stage of the process, allowing you to identify potential issues and optimize production efficiency.

Maintain Quality Data

Capture and store critical quality control data throughout the manufacturing process, ensuring consistent product quality.

From Siloed Data to Complete Visibility: Why Deacom Traceability Outshines SAP

Process manufacturing success hinges on efficient information flow and a holistic view of your operations. Deacom shines brighter than SAP in this aspect by offering a truly centralized system with exceptional visibility.

Break Down the Silos
Unlike SAP, which often requires multiple modules and integrations, Deacom provides a single, unified platform to automate a wide range of processes. This eliminates data silos, ensuring seamless information flow across all departments, from production and inventory to quality control and sales.

Deacom ERP software for process manufacturing

Real-Time Insights at Your Fingertips: Deacom empowers you with real-time data accessibility and insights across your entire organization. Imagine:

Inventory Visibility

Gain instant access to real-time inventory levels, facilitating informed production planning and purchasing decisions.

Production Monitoring

Track production progress in real-time, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your manufacturing processes for maximum efficiency.

Quality Control Integration

Quality data seamlessly integrates with other functions within the system, providing a holistic view of product quality and ensuring consistent compliance.

Don't Settle for Off-the-Shelf: Deacom's Industry Expertise vs. One-Size-Fits-All SAP

While SAP offers powerful ERP solutions, it often lacks the deep industry knowledge crucial for success in process manufacturing. Deacom sets itself apart by offering unmatched industry expertise, ensuring a system that understands the nuances of your specific needs.

Partners, Not Just Providers
Deacom goes beyond simply providing software. Our team boasts a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by process manufacturers in various industries, including food & beverage, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and more. This translates to a system that is:

Process manufacturing of fruit

Purpose-Built for Your Industry

Deacom features functionalities specifically designed for the complexities of process manufacturing, eliminating the need for extensive customizations.

Continuously Evolving

Our commitment extends beyond the initial implementation. Deacom is dedicated to continuous development, constantly refining and expanding our ERP solution with industry-specific features and functionalities. Your system stays current with evolving regulations and industry best practices.

The Competitive Advantage of Industry Expertise: By leveraging Deacom's unmatched industry expertise, you gain a significant competitive advantage.

Optimize Processes & Streamline Operations

Our industry-specific solutions empower you to streamline workflows, eliminate inefficiencies, and achieve superior results.

Reduce Risk & Ensure Compliance

Built-in compliance features and a deep understanding of industry regulations minimize errors and simplify adherence to standards, protecting your brand reputation.

Focus on Innovation, Not Integration Headaches

With Deacom, you can focus on developing new products and expanding your business, without getting bogged down in complex integrations required by generic ERP systems like SAP.

See why Deacom wins over SAP every time.

Category Deacom SAP
Lot Traceability X
Routings X
Catch Weight X
Credit Card Processing X
GS1/Datamatrix Barcodes X
Multi-level Serialization X
Production Automation
Product Configurator X

Invest in Expertise, Invest in Success: Deacom is more than just an ERP system; it's a trusted partner on your journey to process manufacturing excellence. Partner with Deacom and unlock the power of industry expertise to achieve your operational and financial goals.

Focus on Your Business, Not Your Software: Deacom's Intuitive Design vs. Complex SAP

In today's fast-paced environment, getting your team up and running on a new ERP system quickly and efficiently is crucial. Deacom shines brighter than SAP in this area by offering a user-friendly experience that fosters rapid adoption.

Intuitive Design, Seamless Integration:
Unlike SAP, which can be complex and require extensive training, Deacom leverages the familiarity of Microsoft Office. This intuitive interface allows users to navigate the system effortlessly, minimizing the learning curve and maximizing user adoption. Streamlined workflows and a logical layout further enhance ease of use.

Deacom's user-friendly design translates to reduced training time and faster ROI.

Simplified Training:
Minimal training is required compared to complex systems like SAP. Your team can become productive users quicker, leading to a faster return on investment.

Improved User Satisfaction:
A user-friendly interface fosters increased user satisfaction and system acceptance within your organization.

Reduced Support Costs:
With an intuitive system, users require less ongoing support, reducing IT maintenance costs.

Invest in Simplicity, Reap the Rewards:
Deacom empowers your team to focus on what matters most – running your business efficiently. With a user-friendly system and streamlined training process, Deacom gets you up and running faster, unlocking the true potential of your ERP investment.