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Press Release: AMCO Looks Beyond Tomorrow and into the Future with Investment in DEACOM ERP


Chesterbrook, Pa, February 2, 2016: Deacom, Inc., the creator of a single-system Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, has been selected by AMCO, the parent company of AMCO Proteins and American Custom Drying, to advance business operations. The developer and manufacturer of functional protein ingredients for clients worldwide was in need of a solution that would connect all business departments within a single piece of technology.

After working within a bolt-on ERP environment for eight years, the excess amount of customizations within the system was presenting challenges within the business. “Between the management of different modules for ERP, CRM, and maintenance, while manually inputting data into Excel for QC, formulation and scheduling, our processes were beginning to cause disruption to our business,” said Adam Cabot, CEO of AMCO. “We don’t want a temporary solution for tomorrow, but a permanent solution for our future, which is why we selected Deacom.

Rather than bridging together modules to the core ERP software and incorporating customizations – two of the most common hindrances to scalability – Deacom writes all capabilities directly within the base code. This model improves visibility and communication between different functionalities throughout the lifecycle of the software.

“Deacom’s impressive implementation success rate and loyal customer base contributed significantly to our commitment to not only the software but the company. By choosing Deacom as our comprehensive ERP partner, we are now well positioned to compete on higher grounds with bigger players,” continued Cabot.


For more information about Deacom, visit or call 1-877-4-DEACOM.


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About Deacom, Inc.
Deacom, Inc. is the producer of DEACOM ERP, a scalable, single-system ERP solution specifically designed to streamline operations for process and batch manufacturers. As the artisans of ERP software, Deacom operates upon the principle of “Complexity made Simple,” developing a solution without customization or bolt-ons to increase efficiency and decrease the total costs of ERP ownership. The company’s headquarters is located in Chesterbrook, Pa. To learn more, visit, follow on Twitter or call 1-877-4-DEACOM.

Media Contact:
Kelly Peters, PR Manager
Phone: 1-877-4-DEACOM